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Idioma: Exercícios

PORTUGUÊS - Lição 06


 Assista o vídeo e identifique o vocabulário das partes do corpo


Escreva com o verbo TER - Eu _____dois braços

Tu_____uma cabeça

_____ ele uma pata?

Nós não _____asas

Você_____dois pés

Eles_____ joelhos redondos

Coloque o ajetivo possessivo(Write the possessive adjective) - (Nós)_____cachorro é grande

(Você)_____casa é rosa

(Eles)_____gato é preto


(Nós)_____pés são grandes


(Vos)_____dedos são finos


(Eles)_____patas são longas


ESCREVE O PLURAL - Eu tenho um cachorro preto (Eu tenho...)


Tu tens um calendário quadrado


Ele tem uma cabeça redonda (Eles tem...)


Ela tem uma grande fazenda (Elas tem...)


RESPONDA - Quantos braços tem ele? (Ele tem...)


Quantas pernas tem ele?


Quantas cabeças tens tu? (Eu tenho)


Quantos pescoços tem você? (Eu tenho)

I have
I have a dog
I have a cat
I have a head
You have
You have two arms
You have two hands
You have two feet
He has
He has a head
He has a neck
He has a key in the purse
We have
We have a white cat
We have a black cell phone
We have a red dress
You have (informal)
You have a grey purse
You have a long neck
You have a green house
They have
They have a blue house
They have the legs thin
They have the elbows sharp
He doesn’t have
He doesn’t have wings
He doesn’t have paws
He doesn’t have beak
Our house
Our house is big
Our house is yellow
Our house has a door
Your hand is small
Your hands are small
Their dog
Their dog is behind the door
Their dog is in front of the window
I have
I have a teacher
I have a French teacher now
I have an English teacher now
I have a Portuguese teacher now
Tomorow I have lesson
Today I have lesson
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