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Idioma: L03 Dialogue




Could you tell the boss that we’re going to the company after 5 pm?
I tell him. He wants you before that. Did you finish the books sale?
No. Do you have the secretary’s phone? Should I call her right now?
I can call her. Should we buy some gifts to the businesswomen?
Sure! I will take care of this. And the salesmen, tell them to come.

I’ll tell that the boss is available and wants to talk to everybody!




Brad is the company's best salesman. He's talking to Brenda, who is his colleague. She's a hardworking businesswoman. The boss of the company is Ryan Johnson. He's asking her if the if Ryan will be there to present him the results of the month's sales. He's asking Brenda about Cameron, who is the secretary of the boss. Friday will be the birthday of Linda the company's purchaser. They want to make her a nice surprise. But Ryan has a fresh surprise for the team...


Brenda is the company's:


Brad is asking Brenda to tell the boss that:

He's leaving the company at 5 p.m.
He won't be at the company before 5 p.m.
He's arriving at the company before 5 p.m.

The boss wants:

To talk to nobody
Everybody to be there
Make Linda a surprise

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