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Idioma: L07 Dialogue




I need to go to the laundry. Do you know if he has clothes to wash?
Yes, he has. Can you do me a favor, taking my clothes there too?
Sure! I’m going to take all my t-shirts there. Can’t you go with me?
Yes. I’ll get there too, after this work, in time to be drying my clothes.
Do you also need to change coins to put in the machines?
No. I have many coins in my room. I’ll be bringing them with me.



Tight Uniforms is a company that makes uniforms to many businesses. They have regugar uniforms for a variety of professions as firefighters, police, cleaning and factory. They have a rental department for parties and they have to wash the clothes from time to time. Ginger and Lauren, from different departments, need to do this washing and they want to benefit this time to wash their own clothes as well. Ginger has a problem with the coins to put in the machines that only accept coins and not bills. It seems that it isn't a problem since Lauren will be helping her with that.


The company produces clothes to:

Government agencies

The company is going:

To do some parties
Create different departments
Send some uniforms to wash


Has to withdraw money
Have an issue with the machines of the laundry
Will have the help of her colleague

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