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Idioma: L05 Dialogue




Did you go to the drugstore and bought that drug I have to take?

Not yet. I’m still working. I’ll go there right after I finish it here.

Why the sunburn cream is not in the purse? Did you forget it?

We didn’t remember it. It’s still there. We need to buy one here.

If I get a flu then I have to take a drug? What’s the right medicine?

Do you remember last time you got a flu? You took the cold tablets!




Sally and William are going to the beach to enjoy the day.
William was supposed to go to the Drugstore before and buy her an antibiotic that she needed, but he forgot. And it seems that he is forgetting something else to use at the beach. Sally asks him to take the sunburn cream that she told him to put in the bag to bring to the beach. When he tells her that he forgot to do it she gets really upset. She has very light skin and get easily sunburned. So they will not be able to stay long under the sun unless he goes find a drugstore...


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