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Idioma: L06 Dialogue




Do you want a drink or anything? What can I give you?

Nothing, thanks. That beer is hers and this juice is mine.

Shawn baby was born last week. Were you informed?

Yes. I planned to tell you in the holiday, but you called me now.

Did you listen that Eddie’s cousin died yesterday? I’m shocked!

I was informed that it was an accident. It really shook me too!




Brandon and his friends planned to go to a restaurant in Labor Day. They aren’t such an outgoing group of guys. All of them wear thick glasses. When they got to the restaurant and started asking for a milkshake they saw that it was full and the employees were having some difficulties to serve everybody. When the waitress brought his chocolate milkshake a very strong boy came trying to show off to his friends and told that that shake was his. Bandon looked in his eye and told him that it was his shake and told him if he had a problem with that to do whatever he wanted to. And the guy went back with his friends. The boy was lucky. Brandon is a jiu-jitsu black belt.


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