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Idioma: L05 Exercises



Ouça as todas as frases primeiramente, após formule perguntas para ter cada frase como resposta.

 Ouça as todas as perguntas primeiramente, após responda cada perguntas.


COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT VERB TENSE - Sometimes we _____________ about our parents in home. (TO RECALL)

The client got _____________. He needs a cotton wool. (TO HURT)

I’m sick. I’m _____________ to buy some cough drops. (TO GO)

She was ill this week, but she _____________ very fast. (TO HEAL)

He needs to buy a drug, but he ____________ its name. (TO FORGET)

I _____________ you. Of course I do! Your name? (TO REMEMBER)

These eye drops are _____________ my eyes. Still hurt, but nowis starting to get better… (TO SATISFY)

You will need to_____________ between syrup and cold tablets. (TO CHOOSE)

I ____________ that I forgot the sunburn creams at home. (TO THINK)

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